@thisiscian mildly concerned that the temperature will keep increasing until we hit Canada-is-on-fire levels

@thisiscian yikes. if you want to use my netflix account in the interim let me know!

@ryanpower when I first saw this I thought it was a joke because the leaked fields read like things that are normally shared on Facebook anyway, “using Facebook is like voluntarily leaking your own data ho ho ho”

@thisiscian that’s a shame. I was a bit apprehensive about Travis DMing so didn’t stick with the new season for too long

@thisiscian does it have anything that isn't a nipple

@mysteronia "it seems like raising my hips above my knees let me sit straight without my back muscles getting all tense and knotty" - this is what yoga teachers advise for people who can't comfortably sit cross-legged (like me). My guess is it's related to hip flexibility (for me). my legs/knees stick up too much, pushing me backwards a bit, and the my back has to struggle to keep me upright and everything becomes the worst

@mysteronia @olistiel @ryanpower my undergrad page is maths.tcd.ie/~hylandst/ (not sure if I can still ssh into the server it’s on so I treat it as frozen in time). apeiroto.pe is my main website/blog and sthy.land is my “professional” one

@olistiel @ryanpower @mysteronia ooo nice idea, my old website from undergrad still has a list of all my friends pages 😎 I will update apeirotope whenever I next update apeirotope

@mysteronia this book is high up on my to-read list. gotta liberate all humans from work

@mysteronia I haven't changed anything! software updates, what even are they

steph boosted

@thisiscian I read the wiki article and I'm too afraid to listen. I can't even deal with Sufjan Stevens

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