@thisiscian in the modern era, "gone to the dogs" is a positive statement. Shop closed, gone to the dogs.

@thisiscian Yeah. Rare for a developer to just go "Yep, we've made enough games, that's it", but I respect them immensely.

@thisiscian You probably want to drybush with a white colour. Take one of your brushes that you're happy to ruin, get some paint on it (deep into the brushes), wipe almost all of it off and then give it a pass over the teeth.

In your images, it doesn't look like the resin (?) has a huge amount of definition to the teeth edges, so it might not work terribly well (in which case, you'll have to do traditional highlighting with brushwork)

@thisiscian Worth remembering with washes that they also get darker over time.

@mysteronia There's this narrative around war in general that it acts as this incredible driver for innovation via necessity, but I feel that things like these aren't given enough weight.

How many potential doctors died in their youth? How many potential scientists, philosophers, writers?

The innovation that we get from war, is akin to burning down a tree so you get the fruit hanging off it when it falls.

@thisiscian @steph having read some of the TAZ reddit, this is not a unique opinion apparently

@thisiscian @steph I have to say, Travis was always my least favourite of the McElroy's.

@thisiscian i'm contractually obliged to remind you that you have used up your leafy.town time for this quarter.

@thisiscian also it is illegal to send a singular pic, I'm gonna need a feed of these once every couple of days, thanks

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