
I was a frail actress (bound to my home city) who's supposed benefit to the group was unmatched access to all things. I never could quite get my hands on any truly useful items, so instead I spent my time directing distant action against the unspeakable monsters.

At some point I attempted to sacrifice my well-being for the greater good, which somehow unlocked all my inner potential and unheard of strength of mind. I now roam the earth, seeking the adventures I was previously denied .

I was able to travel to distant lands and see things most would consider rare. However, I tumbled into paranoia, realising my fears that my newfound talents were ephemeral. Immediately afterward, my actions saw consequence as catastrophe claimed one of my compatriots. I was then chased nearly to death by hounds, my possessions taken by those who followed in their wake. Thanks to help from distant friends, I was able to survive to see a brighter dawn, a broken shell but assuredly still alive.

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